Therapy for Women: Sleep Walking Through Life?
Posted: June 29, 2021

I ask my therapy for women clients this question a lot. Your initial reaction to the title may have been an offended “NO!” But too often, we get caught up in the daily busyness of life that we don’t look that far ahead.
This is why those milestone birthdays – 30, 40, 50, 60 – can be a struggle. “Where did the time go? How did I get to be this old?” This is why we get so excited about New Year’s Day! It’s a fresh start – we get to hit the re-set button! Even though we know we’re probably not going to do anything different. Why?
Because we haven’t taken the time to decide what’s truly important! We can continue to just sleep walk through life, or we can be excited and know we’re heading in a direction that’s right for us! That’s a no brainer choice for me! I’m going to assume you’re interested in option #2. If sleep walking is more your style – I think you may be on the wrong site. 🙂
The first thing I usually hear from my therapy for women clients is “I don’t even know what excites me anymore!” That’s typical, so don’t
beat yourself up if you’ve already thought that. It’s just a result of sleep walking for a long time. But, it’s time to wake up! Here’s how to begin that process
Reflect back
At what points in your life have you felt a lot of joy (even as a kid)? * What was going on? Who were you with? What was it about that
situation that made you feel joy?
All of those situations may not be possible now – and that’s fine (you’re not a carefree child, some of those people may have died). Right now just look at the situations and notice themes.
Allow yourself to fully experience
Sit in the joy for just a moment. This isn’t a clinical observation of who, what, when, where. Be still! Even if it’s just for a few minutes. Remember what those feelings were like. Give yourself permission to sit with them and enjoy them again and evaluate what’s truly
important to you.
Look for current opportunities
Where can you experience that same kind of joy now? Just keep it at the forefront of your mind to see ways where you can have more of that on a daily basis.
Here’s an example: Music has always been an important element in my life. I don’t know why and I don’t try to figure that out. I have a lot of fond memories surrounding music, so I make sure to have music around me as much as possible because it lifts my spirits regardless of my circumstances.
This is just the start of your journey! Keep it small and specific, that way you’re more likely to stay focused. If you continue feeling stuck, we’re here to help. Feel free to learn more about how we can support you with our Therapy for Women or Enneagram Coaching services.