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    Are you wondering if some of the things you lived through earlier in your life are creating problems in your relationships with people?

    Maybe you know your painful experiences are impacting your life and now you are  looking for support in navigating your painful past?

    Wanting help in understanding why something that happened so long ago could still be creating problems in your life?

    Starving for healing that seems out of reach?

    Who You Are

    When things happen in life that cause extreme amounts of fear, pain and confusion, the responses to these situations vary.

    • You push through and the people around you are unaware of your struggle
    • You have a difficult time finding or keeping friends
    • You are extremely successful at work but your romantic relationships never seem to work
    • You question whether the people in your life really care about you no matter what they say or do
    • When you look in the mirror you struggle to see anything positive about yourself
    • You try to stay busy all the time because you don’t like to be alone with your thoughts

    Trauma can happen to anyone and can include:

    • Childhood abuse (sexual, physical, verbal, emotional and neglect)
    • Rape or sexual assault
    • Motor vehicle accidents or various other types of accidents
    • Witnessing domestic violence as a child
    • Traumatic loss of close family member

    You may have experienced multiple traumatic events. This is called complex trauma.

    High priorities for you are:

    Enjoying life with your friends and family.
    Believing you are good enough.
    Living out your faith.
    Finding joy in your work.

    What your issues tend to be:

    You’re struggling with overwhelming emotions that you used to think you could manage, but now are finding you can’t.

    Your relationships with your kids, spouse and co-workers are suffering because you are realizing you can’t be or do everything for everybody.

    You feel no one really understands you or knows the real you. You find yourself pretending you are “good” and it doesn’t seem possible anymore. Being around your extended family causes you so much stress you’re now looking for reasons to avoid being with them.

    You find yourself longing for closeness with someone but everyone, including God, feels out of reach.

    What Complex Trauma treatment can do:

    • Help you learn new ways to deal with the out of control emotions that seem to come out of nowhere.
    • Clarify how trauma has impacted your life.
    • Give you hope for healing from your traumatic past.
    • Provide support for the emotions that come up when you decide now is the time to expose the hurt places you’ve been trying to “deal with” on your own

    What to expect:

    You have a unique experience related to the type of traumatic event or events you’ve experienced.  That means you need treatment designed specifically for you. When you decide you’re ready for therapy, typically it means you’ve got a strong desire for change in your life.  You may have some questions about what therapy will be like.

    When you begin therapy to address complex trauma there will be time in sessions focusing on educating you about healthy coping skills and making sure you’re able to practice these skills outside our meetings. In addition, you will learn the ways trauma may be impacting your life in. ways you hadn’t even realized.

    Trauma informed treatment options we offer:

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

    EMDR is a form of treatment which utilizes bilateral stimulation as a means of encouraging a shift in your brain as a means of gaining new understanding. Bilateral stimulation is about engaging one side of the brain then the other and this can be done in a variety of ways. Eye movement is the original way in which this form of treatment was utilized.

    EMDR is a research proven evidence-based treatment for people struggling with issues associated with trauma as well as various other struggles in which it seems a person is mentally stuck. This treatment can be done both in person as well as virtually. I have found it to be very helpful with my clients who have struggled with trauma and I believe it could help you too.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) 

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

    All of these options focus on making adjustments to thoughts and/or behaviors associated with your painful experience and have been proven effective in treating trauma as well.

    Our goal is for you to recognize you have options and there is hope and healing available.  If you’re interested in learning more, we invite you to fill out the form below to schedule a 30 minute complimentary phone consultation.

    Reach out to us today!

    Use the form below to send a message. You may also call or email anytime.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.