Live in Community – No More Isolation #2

As we continue our discussion on how important it is to live in community, I want to remind you that: We need encouragement as we live in community, and that our unique life experiences comfort one another.
Others enrich our lives spiritually
2 Corinthians 4:17 explains, “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!“ Interacting with people on a regular basis can be challenging to say the least. But conflicts and difficulties with others will test our faith. Will we be obedient to what we’re called to do? Will we choose to see them through God’s eyes, or only through our own bitterness? These questions can only be answered when one chooses to live in community with others.
We need accountability
Proverbs 12:15 bluntly shares, “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.” It is so easy for any of us to mess up. Just about anything we could want can be within our grasp at any given moment. We need loving people who hold us accountable to doing what is right, and are there to listen when we struggle.
The world tells us if we’re not happy, we need to make a change. Sometimes those “changes” make all the sense in the world to our way of thinking – unhappy marriage vs. spending time with someone at work who listens, being responsible with the money we have vs. buy all you want now on a credit card, or how about tell your kids “no” vs. being the “cool” parent. Without a voice of reason to challenge our thinking, we quickly run astray.
Vibrantly Live Challenge
Take a moment and reflect on your busy schedule. It’s easy to have a lot of people around you all day long. How many of them truly know you?
What steps can you take to start allowing people into your sphere of life in a real way and live in community with them?
If you think you’d like some help with that, we’d love to partner with you. Learn more about our services by signing up for a 30 minute complimentary phone consultation.